Boundless Rime

mountain, ice, and fury

ᛒᚬᚢᚾᛏᛚᛁᛋᛋ ᚱᛁᛘᛁ

out of character

Hey there, I'm Fateful. I'm a long time role player, primarily in the MMO space since the days of EQ2 and the early days of WoW.I'm a para-writer who enjoys adventure, drawn out internal struggle and cross character bonding. While I love to write on my own as well, the introduction of cooperative role play has changed my love for the artform for the better. The beauty of other writer's influence of your story in unpredicicable ways is what makes this medium keep my attention over the years, but I have also discovered many themes and events that make me lose my interest. Here a few I've collected:

ㅤㅤLooking For:

  • Individual/Small Group RP - Between two and eight players is my particular sweet spot.

  • Open World - The game has given us so many beautiful backdrops, and I love to utilize them. Not everything needs to happen in private housing.

  • Adventurous Themes - I love adventure, antagonstic plots (I don't mind being your bad guy, or vice versa), and bonding through mutual suffering. Often times plutonic friendships get skipped over in this space, but I long for that bonding forged when you're both covered in a dragon's blood, having avenged your friend.

  • Equal time in the Sun - I'm looking for cooperative writers, not background characters for my own personal spotlight, and I expect the same in return.

  • PVE Friends - We gotta get the good glams, kids.

  • Customization - Penumbra? Moon codes? Yes.

Pass On:

  • Romance/ERP - I have a dedicated writing partner for these themes and I'm not seeking another.

  • Huge Events - Massive chat scroll gives me a headache and makes it hard to write my best.

  • WOL/Canon Characters - I prefer to write with original character concepts. I'm sometimes even a little iffy about characters with the echo - it depends on the writer.

  • Lore Breaking - Creativity is welcomed within the reasonable boundaries of the lore that defines our shared writing space. Where the lore is vague, we are able to expand upon it. Where it is firm, I prefer to respect the boundaries.

  • OOC Drama - Please be mature and approach me if you have concerns, or wish to plan things out. Roleplay is a cooperative artform that takes patience, communication and maturity.

 IF THIS SOUNDS APPEALING  Please feel free to contact me on discord so we can discuss opportunities to write together! My username is fateful .

character Profile

  NAME.  Boundless Rime
  AGE.  55
  SPECIES.  Hellsguard Roegadyn
  BIRTHDAY.  5th day of the 1st Umbral Moon
  DEITY.  Halone
  GENDER.  Male
  ORIENTATION.  Heterosexual
  LOCATION.  Dravania
  OCCUPATON.  Survivalist, Guardian


Who shall sing of me, or carry me to eternal sleep when I head down Hel's long roads?


  DEMEANOR.  boisterous, proud, protective
  ALIGNMENT.  chaotic neutral
  LIKES.  physical tests, animals
  DISLIKES.  wordines, dragons, rules
  HOBBIES.  hunting, wood carving, shepherding
  TROPES.  The Champion The Mentor
Declaration of Protection
You Shall Not Pass


  HEIGHT.  7ft 3in / 2.21m
  HAIR.  white
  EYES.  deep ice
  BODY TYPE.  goliath
  OTHER.  unruly hair and beard
heavy scarring
weathered tan


Like the stone structures that still cling to the Dravanian landscape, Rime has endured the decades of chaos, warfare, and cataclysm of the northern wilds. Hailing form a nomadic tribe of Hellsguard who settled in the hills of the Dravanian Forelands decades ago, Rime and his people carved out a simple life in the unforgiving terrain in the shadow of Sohm Al. The ages saw his people war torn, thinned out and scattered to the corners of the world to leave the old man a solemn guardian of their past, a lone watcher over the buried evil that tore them apart.The veteran survivalist spends his days raising sheep in the shadow of the dragon hoards, sheer defiance of nature's will. The Roegadyn's exterior is as hard as the ice he treads, though his blood runs warm and rich with life. His many tribulations have chipped away little at the boisterous man's will to live, and his even greater desire to ensure others do the same. The Fury Halone has seen fit to give him a second chance to redeem his past failures and he clings to the opportunity with fervent duty.Rime can be found most often in the heart of the wilds, far from the reaches of society. Though his life is often simple, he finds ways to make the mundane an adventure. Reclaiming one of his flock from the den of a dragon, carving a totem into the face of the tallest tree in the forelands, or ascending a waterfall's face to drink from it's source. The Roegadyn's desires to challenge himself in all things, or perhaps pay penance of perceived sins.


Extroverted / In Between / Introverted
Disorganized / In Between / Organized
Close Minded / In Between / Open Minded
Calm / In Between / Anxious
Disagreeable / In Between / Agreeable
Cautious / In Between / Reckless
Patient / In Between / Impatient
Outspoken / In Between / Reserved
Leader / In Between / Follower
Empathetic / In Between / Apathetic
Optimistic / In Between / Pessimistic
Traditional / In Between / Modern
Religious / In Between / Secular
Hard Working / In Between / Lazy
Learned / In Between / Ignorant
Graceful / In Between / Lumbering
Proud / In Between / Humble
Loyal / In Between / Disloyal
Faithful / In Between / Unfaithful


 Dravanian Survivalist 
Rime has spent decades in both the Forelands and Hinterlands, living a relatively primitive lifestyle. Few know the intimate corners of the land like him; where to find food and shelter, how to avoid the shadow of a dragon's wings, and - most helpful to travelers - how to pass safely through the Dravanian reaches between Ishgard and New Sharlayan. If you or your companions seek to traverse the unforgiving landscape, Rime can be sought for aid.
Across the Forelands one might find evidence of Rime's many totems. Primal, fearsome faces carves into withering trees, chiseled stones stacked upon each other in the middle of it's rivers, and other markers made to help with navigation or to ward off spirits. The local elves have their own legends of the man's strange habits, and the good or bad luck his totems bring to those who come across them.
 The Fury 
His proximity to Ishgard and his relations with the small elven population has led Rime down the path of faith. He has found solitude in the worship of Halone, and seldom makes the pilgrimage to Ishgard's outer reaches to share in stories, verse and devoted study of the Fury. His primitive methods of worship might place him at odds with the traditionalist of Ishgard, or intrigue them. Perhaps you might encounter the goliath at one of her shrines and strike up a discussion.